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2005 Band Gallery


The evening of Friday, December 1st was the last practice day before the SCSBOA final, the following day. Many IMST parents showed up in the last hour to watch the band gives the final performance on the home ground. It was maginificient, and was enough to raise the expectation for the final tournament.
The coaching staffs were emotional hugging and shaking hands with everyone at the final gathering.
After that, only the seniors were left on the ground, performing the whole routine. It may have looked funny, but I was impressed that they could do this complex marching and music playing without the rest of the band performing together.

The drill was hard and the weather was cold. But the players were really, really into it. Knowing who they are outside of the field, it was nothing short of amazing. They have been enduring the long nights and weekends to practice the routine, and frankly, they werenft having fun at earlier stage of the season. But now, this is all over, I saw long faces. They wanted more. gIs this it? Is this all over?h
No, kids. Youfve got a job to do tomorrow.