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2005 Band Gallery

Dec09-Christmas Parade

Saturday, December 9th marks the annual City of Laguna Niguel Holiday Parade.

Black and Gold Brigade is a regular on this parade, but instead of usual 30-thfs to 40-thfsh entry, this year they were ninth group to parade, (probably) thanks to the SCSBOA championship. We didnft have to wait long hours to see them march, and they looked magnificient.
I took pictures as closely as possible without disturbing them, so each individual is covered.
I hope that worked.

After the parade, we had the annual Post-parade Lunch Party. This is the event also marks the official end of the Marching Band season. It was sad it had to end, but it was a very, very good season and hopefully had an impact on each band members something more permanent than a piece of medal (though the medal doesnft hurt).

Thank you, Mr. Waldukat for the wonderful season.
Thank you for all supporting adults to help out; the logicstics worked out well, and the band always had the loudest booster at the tournament.
And finally, thank you for all who frequented and supported this unofficial band page.
Ifll keep it around for next several months (maybe a year) so you can come back visit any time you want.